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What's on your bucket list?
A bucket list is made up of achievements and goals to reach within a lifetime. It is about dreaming, aspiring, and exploring things we...

A Snippet of Mindfulness
Mindfulness has been practiced in religious communities and secular society for thousands of years. It is a trendy topic today and one...

Mental Health in Later Life Part Two
Last week, I sited some bulleted points on risk factors that some older adults experience as it relates to their mental health. To...

Mental Health in Later Life Part One
As I pondered on a topic for this week, I asked a friend for ideas, and he suggested dementia. That diagnosis is not a mental illness,...

Embarking on a New Chapter
New beginnings can come from a host of things such as relationships, health, career, finances, family, friendships, and spirituality to...

Pet Therapy
Let me introduce you to Buddy, the orange feline of America! Buddy is actually my roommate’s cat, but he has adopted me as his massage...

Your Therapist Said What?
I have had some adventures finding a therapist. I had one therapist who let me cry for 45 minutes without speaking to me. Another called...

The Change of Spring
All living things are made up of matter. Therefore, we are made of matter just like flowers. Vitamin D, which we get from being....

We Need a Better Brand
Mental health needs a better campaign. Breast cancer is a horrible disease, but they have identifiable pink ribbons and coordinating...

Taming the Dog
Winston Churchill referred to depression as “the black dog” and it’s such a great visual metaphor. In fact, the World Health Organization...

Five Phrases
Whenever I used to meet someone who was further down the road of recovery than myself, my obvious question was, “What are you doing that...
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